Energy Clearing Kit


The Energy Clearing Kit includes Palo Santo sourced from Ecuador, White Sage, and a shell to burn them in and a shamanic feather. White Sage and Palo Santo can be burned for smudging, which means literally burning the plants, the dried leaves or the wood, and letting the smoke purify the air in your home. Sage is thought to have antimicrobial properties that help kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. That being said, it's important to keep in mind that burning sage will create smoke. White sage is antimicrobial and actually cleans your home or space physically and energetically. As far as burning sage is concerned, dried sage is burned as a possible way to heal, protect, increase wisdom, and boost defense against disease. Sage may treat minor illnesses, protects against free radical damage, it repels insects, can relieve pain, improve your mood and removes negative energy! You can sage your space daily if needed. It can also be done seasonally, quarterly or as-needed.
includes: Palo Santo, white Sage, and a shell to burn them in and a feather
